Albert Christian
Hi, my name Albert Christian. I am PhD Candidate in the Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. Currently I associated in two lab in National Chiao Tung University, First is High-Speed Communication & Computing Laboratory (HSCC Lab), advised by Prof. Yu-Chee Tseng. Second is Mobile and Ubiquitous Interaction Lab (MUI Lab), advised by Prof. Yung-Ju (Stanley) Chang. My research interests are Context-Aware computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Human-AI Inteaction, and
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). I am currently exploring how AI can be implemented to personalize the object by using data-fusion, such as person identification, object recognition, and behavior analysis.
I received a Bachelor's degree from Dept. of Computer Science in 2014 from Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia advised by Prof. Ridwan Sanjaya. Then, I earned Master's degree from Chang Gung University, Taiwan in 2017 advised by Prof. Shih-Lin Wu.
I truly believe that Great things are done by a series of small things brought together, so I really love to know new people and meet new friends.
For more details, please check my CV
Analyzing User Emotions via Physiology Signals
Research-Based PortfolioAED: adaptive energy-efficient data transmission scheme for heart disease detection
Research-Based PortfolioFINIC: Find Clinic Application
Project-based portfolios3D Communication Network Technology and Its Application in Smart Campus
Research-Based PortfolioCore Technology and Application Development Based on M2M Networking
Research-Based PortfolioHate Speech Mapper
Project-based portfoliosResume
Do practical things and keep things real!
Soegijapranata Catholic University, IndonesiaBachelor of Computer Science (B.Comp.)
Graduated with Honors in Computer Science. Thesis titled "Hangeul Optical Character Recognition on JPEG File".
Handong Global University, South KoreaGlobal Leadership Student
During Spring 2013, I had chance to do exchange student in South Korea, precisely in Handong Global University, Pohang, South Korea.
Chang Gung University, TaiwanMaster of Science (M.S.)
I joined in HSNL (High Speed Network Laboratory) lab and have responsibilities to do a research and work as team in the project. My research area is in Signal Processing, Medical Instrumental Programming and Internet of Things.
National Chiao Tung UniversityPhD Candidate
Currently join in HSCC Lab, advised by Prof. Yu-Chee Tseng and member of MUI Lab, advised by Prof. Ying-Ju Chang from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
2017 - Current
National Chiao Tung UniversityResearch Assistant
Supported Prof. Yu-Chee Tseng and research of the HSCC Lab from Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan and Chunghwa Telecom Laboratory, such as Core Technology and Application Development based on M2M Networking, 3D Communication network technology and its application in Smart Campus. For more details, it will be put in Project Section
2015 - 2017
Chang Gung UniversityResearch Assistant
Supported Prof. Shih-Lin Wu and research of the HSNL (High Speed Network Laboratory) lab which is focused on Medical Instrumental Programming, especially in PPG(Photoplethysmogram), the project is related to create an energy-efficient of continous context sensing method for prevention of vicious heart disease in the Smart Wristband.
2014 - 2015
Inlight TrisulaJunior Programmer
I worked in advertising consultant that work to elevate the idea to make it sharper and brighter. The advertising specialty are: Branding Discovery, Packaging Design, Advertising Campaign, Website Development, Augmented Reality, and many more. In this company I have responsibilities to make a project in field of Information Technology.